
Lamentable Enterprise

The phrase 'Choc 'N Bits' refers to a small business venture in the Victorian Wimmera where allegedly an energetic and ambitious single parent with many kids (and allegedly as many partners) and obviously far, far too much time on her hands, decided to open her very own business. Perhaps she'd watched something on Oprah (had a vision, transcribed it into a dream diary), or had been conned into a set of Anthony Robbins videos while watching late night TV, eating micro-waved Bi-Lo pizza. I don't know. But, fuelled by a zealous self belief and unfetted entrepreneurial spirit, she proudly launched her gleaming new town store - right in the middle of one of the very worst rural recessions on record. Her idea had been to supply the impoverished and increasingly desperate farming community with all the equipment and raw materials they needed to make their own chocolates. Brilliant. Now that's what I call niche marketing. She called it Choc N Bits, probably thinking it was snappy and a bit cute at the same time. Needless to say it was just plain naff, and the thing died a pitiful death. Poor thing. The townsfolk probably started calling her Choc n Bits after that. Don't look now Joyce, here comes Choc n Bits. A least she had a go. But good on her I say. If I'd been a fourth generation wheat cocky with the arse out of my trousers and needed to whip up some dark truffles, then she'd have my business. So, henceforth, every business idea that we'd thought which has carried a fundamental, fatal flaw or was just screwy earned the title of a Choc N Bits idea. I've contemplated many, too many. Here are just a few.

One involved selling sub-standard furniture. Nothing unique in that, except that this plan was to market it as having been hand-made by Saint Joseph himself, and just may have been used by the Virgin Mary and the young Jesus Christ. There were some irrefutable facts. Clearly, Joseph had been a carpenter by profession and surely would have knocked up quite a few items over his lifetime. Isn’t it at least possible that some of this had survived, and if so, why couldn’t it be offered to a god-fearing Christian plus GST? We were convinced that the average blue blooded American bible-belt god botherer would part with some very serious money indeed if they believed that the very chair straining to support their fried chicken ass may have once cradled the arse of Christ. And it would be cheap to make. In fact, you wouldn't expect it to be much good. In fact you'd expect it to be pretty crappy. First year apprentices would knock them up, even really terrible first year apprentices that clearly had no future in furniture making, or you could outsource it to a collective of partially blind furniture makers. Whatever. Initially we'd planned to offer just the basics� perhaps just a roughly hewn stool, and perhaps a rickety old table. To that we thought we'd possibly add a couple of old chairs, some boxy things that looked like beds, that sort of thing. Made out of pellets and packing creates. Then it got a bit much. Kitchen buffets, whole nests of occasional tables, entertainment units, cabana style mini bars, modular lounge suites, porch swing-sets, and pool-side deck chairs. It was ridiculous. It had degenerated into a whole catalogue of supposedly genuine St. Joseph furniture.

Then there was a notable variation on this theme - a plan to sell genuine Lourdes Water (actually from a tap in Bayswater) in one-litre plastic bottles in the shape of the Virgin Mary (you screwed off her head). We were going to take out large, full colour ads in the back pages of The Australasian Post, which boasted about being in full colour, and we planned to lure customers by having convincing real life testimonials. We were going to use a mug-shot we'd found of some old wrinkly woman we'd lifted from an old trucking magazine. She looked like a transvestite version of Prune Face from Dick Tracey, pulling the sort of weird expression that a severe electric shock might produce. Underneath we were going to add the following endorsement. Thank-you Aussie Virgin Mary Lourdes Water. I've suffered from crippling arthritis for seventy-two years, but now thanks to you, I'm now back at the sink, peeling carrots for Shepard's Pie. You Beauty! Regards, Joyce� Aussie Battler. You could almost see the crates of mildly affordable Aussie Virgin Mary Holy Water empties by the fly wire door. But, sadly the Post folded, and there were problematic issues of ethics. One of us suffered a recurring nightmare, where, on a nightly basis, Joyce would morph in a highly disturbing version Mr Magoo, and severely scold him over the plan. That was the end of Aussie Virgin Mary's Lourdes Water.

Not all the ideas were as inherently stupid. Some just ended up that way. Chops O'Hallahan, Dog Detective was a case in point. It was a cute idea. Chops was to be a children's book - basically a self styled Raymond Chandler rip off for 8-12 year olds which was to stand apart from the prevailing fluffy rabbit, cutsie-pie, Hello-Kitty books current on the shelves. It was to stand apart because it was to have a 1950s Beat era, film noir, James Ellroy feel in the storyline and illustrations. All the characters were dogs. Chops was the witty Christopher Marlow anti-hero, T-Bone was the numbskull offsider, Fifi LaRue, the chanteuse in distress, Fleas Fernandez, the nightclub owner and so on. The idea was that this would instantly appeal - not so much to kids - but to the parents, uncles and aunts who were 100%, genuine, paid up, card carrying members of the vegan, uni educated, multilingual, PBS listening, drugged up, poly-sexual, black skivvy wearing, cafe latte, inner-city, Brecht set. And they had the cash.

But there were problems with the initial draft. The plot line and dialogue were too sophisticated for a kid's book - too adult. Unable to remedy this, we decided to make the book even more adult, figuring that it could feasibly be a kid's book which parents could use to educate them about adult relationships. When even that failed, we made it even more adult, and decided that it could actually be illustrated erotica - for an adult audience, that just happen to look like it was a kid's book. It was at this point that we were suddenly hit with the realisation that what we were proposing to do was to produce illustrated soft porn, in the style of a book designed for 8-12 year olds, where all the characters were dogs. It was just wrong. And not only that. It was only a matter of minutes that, having rejected the book idea, each of us confessed to having mentally considered whether there were enough dog owning nutters to constitute a viable market for dog porn. Actual videos, of dog sex, bought by lunatic dog owners, for their own dogs. Capitalism takes you to some dark and terrible places.

Finally, one of my particular favourites was Aussie Dickhead Cola. The stunning thing about the Aussie Dickhead Cola plan was its simplicity. Step 1. Buy several second-hand vending machines, cheap, you know, off the back of that truck. Step 2. Get a graphics company to design some snazzy Dickhead Cola graphics and a logo, and plaster it over the machines (a picture of a cross eyed kangaroo, playing a banjo, something classy like that). Step 3. Place said vending machines in various boarding gates and transit lounges across all Australian airports (and/or anywhere in Queensland). Result? Sit back and watch the cash roll in as daily waves of overseas travellers, captivated with this wholly manufactured Australian idiosyncrasy, line up for a can of good old Aussie Dickhead Cola. And you could charge an outrageous amount, say twenty dollars each since this would only add to the mystique. A soft drink calling itself Aussie Dickhead Cola and costing twenty dollars! I had to admit it was intriguing. The original concept was even more outlandish. This rejected the need for actual cans of cola. People would simply insert bills, trigger a red LCD light, and an automated voice would deliver a long, 'ya dickhead'� in a slow Australian accented drawl. But as appealing as that was, it would do nothing as the first impression of Australia. Imagine. Even before reaching passport control, travellers would be ripped off twenty dollars and called dickheads. It just wasn't on.

So these have all been sad, dismal failures. Well, most of them at least. I forgot about the plan to retail defective lollipops. It just so happens that while still round, the ones that fail the manufacturer's quantity control tend to be somewhat misshaped, and also often weirdly wrinkly. Most of them a puce, flesh colour. We were going to buy these at next to nothing (I think they're usually used for goat feed) and sell them under the label, Mahatma Candy, with the logo, 'non-violent protest is useless'. There was to be a TV commercial using a rewritten Iggy Pop lyric. Ghandi, Ghandi, Ghandi I can't let you go, all my life you've haunted me. I love you so�.

But truly, that's enough. These have been the big ones, the failures, and it's just as well. The world is probably a far better place without shoddy home-ware made by stoned teenagers in Frankston masquerading as Holy Relics. Tap water isn't likely to fix arthritis. Kids books probably should be about fluffy rabbits and dogs probably aren't interested in porn. Come to think of it, I'd rather have some half balding, white-socked taxi driver with bad breath and sweat patches under his arms, greeting our international visitors with a friendly, 'g-day mate', then have them summarily abused by a vending machine after having stolen from them. Mostly. But, then again, sitting on my sideboard is a junk mail catalogue unashamedly offering its discerning clients the chance to purchase an unlikely looking set of salt and pepper shakers that farted when you lifted them off the table, and I just have to sit back and think to myself that perhaps, just perhaps, it's only a question of timing.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Bizness is bizness and the water and furniture ideas appeal....

2:09 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Re: Choc N Bits FAN Club – I mean what the fuck, what are the chances of? I am not sure if Nino Spirelli is aware of it or not, but in fact, a Choc N Bits Fan Club has been thriving in the business community of Melbourne in particular for over a decade, and in fact, it even has cells in Sydney (where an Australian commodities tycoon come movie maker is well known for letting the phrase “Choc N Bits” role of his tongue each and every time a member of his crew comes out with an economically dim-witted business concept – just before he fires them, in fact – “You’re fucked. What the fuck I am paying you for? Don’t waste one more second of my time and life with your lame duck Choc N Bits ideas, and get the fuck out of here”).

The club itself was founded by a renowned player in the grain business (late 80’s/early 90’s), quite famous for making money where there was none to be made, in an industry that sends suited cowboys to the cleaners year in year out. The individual involved, while on a road trip to the depths of the grain belt to visit growers, heard a community radio announcement – broadcasting of course none other than the latest fabulous rural news – the grand opening of Choc N Bits, in (well where the hell do you think?) Dimboola of course!

Driving along a barely used road that branches off the Western Highway, in the outer sphincter of nowhere, as the never ending hot bitumen road kept flying beneath his “executive” edition Commodore’s bonnet (and that is what all the new money business folk used to drive back then), with destination “arse-hole of the universe” not seeming to get any closer, our man was out of mobile phone range – mobile towers where few and far between in those days, and mobile phones were like bricks in volume and weight, so it was just him, the car, and a good old dose of rural isolation, broken by the occasional wheat truck flying by in the opposite direction. Totally consumed with the pressure of running an export focused industrial business, our dear founder received no therapeutic benefit from the rolling fields of wheat stubble, the sheep huddled under the shade of the branches of ancient gum trees, or the sight of the glorious Grampians on the horizon, and feeling quite frustrated and stressed, thought he would lighten his substantial mental load by listening to a little country radio.

Wanting to escape the game of business ping pong going on in his head (business does that to you), he butted out his “International Passport to Smoking Pleasure” cancer stick into an over flowing ashtray which had the word stress written all over it, and started fidgeting around with his radio dial (back and forth, back and forth), desperately searching for a clear signal. “The fuckin thing” he thought, as he nearly lost control of his car in the gravel on the side of the road. Anyway, as soon as he managed to finally lock onto 3WM (three standing for three cents short of the full two bob, not two, but three cents, and WM being the abbreviation for Wimmera Mallee, although to this guy, it might as well have stood for Wasted Money) – well, within seconds of him finally managing to get something at least audible from his pioneer speakers (pioneer being all the rage back in those days – young women were attracted to men who had pioneer sound systems in their cars), out comes the Choc N Bits announcement, with all of the fan fare in the world.

The announcement went from the radio, to the ears of our man, to his brain. He stared blankly ahead. Seconds went by that felt like hours. His grip on the steering wheel tightened, the whites of his knuckles began to show, and our dear founder began to sweat, his face twisting and contorting with anger. Screeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeech – in the middle of no-where, he slammed on his brakes, and his car came to a complete stand still, engine stalled. Sitting there, the smell of burning rubber in the air, with no living animal in sight, the silence being broken only by the distant hum of a tractor engine, he buried his head into his hands and thought “What the, what the, my God, what the, what the fuck was that? Fuckin Choc N Bits? What the, what the fuck! Fuckin Choc N Bits! I, I, I, I must be dreaming, FUCKIN CHOC N BITS, FUCK, FUCK, I CAN’T STAND IT ANY LONGER. FUCKIN CHOC N BITS!!!!!!!”.

Well, we are all entightled to a mini-nervous breakdown when the nearest human being is 50 miles away. Our dear founder did thankfully recover from that moment. He has never admitted it, but we all think it did make him weep, not tears of sorrow, but tears of anguish and frustration – the kind of tears that an irate toddler who can’t open the fridge door sheds – tears brought on by the frustration of knowing that someone actually exists that thought of a business plan called Choc N Bits, that they brought it to the table, and they actually went about bringing it to fruition. Our poor founder was deeply insulted by it all – his business brain was slapped in the face by it (not slapped, that is not strong enough, punched is better, his business brain was punched in the face by it) – what he thought was going to be the sounds of some relaxing country radio might as well have been a shot gun going off a centimeter from his left ear.

So, the story goes on - he got out of his car, poured some water from his water bottle into his handkerchief, wet his face, took ten deep breathes, got back into the car, started the engine, promptly turned the radio off, and went on his merry way, later in the day buying 5000 metric tons of grain to be shipped to India and Bangladesh.

But, and there is always a “but”, the “insult” of Choc N Bits endured. Each week, our man would make phone calls to other business people, in non related business areas, to discuss business in general – these mini phone conferences, which were more about talking about business in a universal sense , in a relaxed and comfortable manner (since the folk involved were in different industries, and thus were not necessarily hostiles), well, each and every Friday they were made (just before pub time – what they were, they were pretty much wind down and relax calls, but still with a general business focus, since people in business find it very hard to talk about anything other than business). They went nation wide (because our founder in fact had friends from school, and friends he met via business, across the entire continent, across the world in fact) – well anyway, they were called “the whip around” – and it was via the “whip around” that the legend of Choc N Bits was established, and Choc N Bits became the label to attach to any dumb business, any failed business, any stupid idea at all in fact. “How did your week go Banger? Mine was busy as shit! Man, you would not believe what I heard on the radio the other day, it just about did my head in. Some people are so fucked. Fuckin Choc N Bits! There is this fucking idiot………….”. Choc N Bits then grew in notoriety - members of THE Whip Around Gang (originally a gang of three), would then make calls to their own groups, and so forth, and so forth and so forth, and the news of Choc N Bits gained momentum, and raced around the globe.

I am sorry if the above bores you all – but that folks, was the true beginning of the legend of Choc N Bits – no shit. It is now pretty much in the Australian Dictionary of Business to describe any failed business. I was once in a hotel foyer in Sri Lanka, and witnessed an Australian business man, who I had never met, and knew nothing off, throwing a tantrum and berating his Sri Lankan business partner for having conned him into investing in a Choc N Bits business.

Choc N Bits – just fabulous!

1:11 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Go back to India Ramish, and good luck with Choc N Bits

5:47 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In reply to Choc N Bits by Ramish Enterprises. My name is Abdul-Wadwood Aadhira, and I whole heartedly agree that the Choc N Bits business model cannot be judged for its merits if based on the virtually singular and isolated demographics of Dimboola, Australia, and thus conclude that Nino Spirelli has prematurely negatively categorized an essentially good business concept, and thrown it into the waste paper basket of unworkable ideas, without so much as even considering applying the model to his greater worldly experience. For goodness sake, the back bone of Indian manufacturing is based on the labor of the Harijan, commonly referred to as outcastes (not even mentioned by my esteemed fellow country man Ramish, probably out of Western dictated shame), who will in all sincerity work tirelessly and loyally for a sixpence a day, if anything at all. What Ramish has not touched on is the concept of tapping into this ocean of free manpower, and using the Choc N Bits concept NOT to provide the down-trodden’s consuming families with tea chests full of chocolate goodies, BUT RATHER, to then collect these chocolate goodies from these tireless workers for next to nothing, and to sell them to the upper castes, right up to the holy priests themselves, with any surpluses then being accumulated in portside warehouses in Calcutta, Vishakhapatnam, or even Mumbia itself, for export to the entire world market. Consider the marketing potential in the West. “Feeling down? Feeling like an outcaste? Then try one of these delicious Harijan Chocolates, hand-made by the real thing living on the streets in the famous Black Hole of Calcutta”. With the lack of labor costs, the Swiss could easily be undercut, and a whole army of foreign idiots would thing they were actually helping the poor. Ramish is absolutely and unequivocally correct, in that there is indeed swelling masses through out India who are fully prepared to get off their “fancies” and lend a hand and give things are right royal try out, and I think, with the new economy, those that do have that little extra to spend on something “fanciful” face one problem – where is the chocolate? Hmm? You tell me, where is the chocolate? Where is it? Choc N Bits would surely thrive in the Indian environment, and I am most surprised, given Nino Spirelli has clearly spent time in India, that he has not realized this dream. Thank you Nino – I now must go, for there is much work to be done. Ramish, I will be in touch.

8:10 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is Abhay Lakshmanan, and I am here with my cousins Ebrahim Tilak and Jagdish Singh. We too are quite obviously Indians, but relocated from our places of birth, we are living in Kathmandu in Nepal, and have been doing so for many many years with our respective wives, Apekshaa, Aparna, and Fadwa. We run a small shoe factory, and we thank Lord Vishwakarma that our factory continues to run day in day out with little trouble, and pray daily to Ramayana that our children may grow to take their respective places in society. We look forward to the potentials of tomorrow, as there is so much to be excited about. We read with very much enthusiasm, with healthy and determined and growing anticipation, the most splendid extract published by Abdul-Wadwood with regards to the potentials of Choc N Bits on the sub-continent, in particular India (we are originally from Bangalore), and are now very busy rallying up the excitement of the various attracted parties, and passionately agree that utilizations of the labor potential in the Harijan sector of the population offers enormous potential for unlimited expansion over and beyond typical market expectations, making dainty Harijan made chocolates not only available to the hording masses, but to interested parties and groups beyond the boarders of India itself, and might we say what a wondrous idea and thank you for putting it forward. Not withstanding our interest in this most astonishing concept, we have been discussing the American notion of franchising, but fail to see how the Harijan, being outcastes, are able to afford any franchising or licensing fees, and how they may even afford to buy the chocolate making equipment, the cocoa, sugars, and various chocolate making molds and sundry items and so forth, and propose that franchises would be granted on the basis of pay as you go fees being charged, but we remain concerned that the consequent pay as you go Harijan will simply abscond with the dues when payment is owing on the knocker itself and must be paid you see. So we must humbly ask dears, Abdul-Wadwood and Ramish, what is to be done of this? Abdul-Wadwood and Ramish? What is to be done of this? While Nino’s article on India was not an Indian view point, he has touched on an extremely relevant point, that being while there may be a vast pool of workers to utilize to their full capacities, there is also relative prevailing chaos, yes order and structure within that chaos, but chaos none the less. The timing is right and all the wheels are already in motion, but there are many risks and items and points of concern et cetera et cetera that must be discussed to bring this splendid idea into reality, the invitation to discuss is thus warmly and gratefully accepted and further extended in return. Yours faithfully, Abhay, Ebrahim, and Jagdish.

12:08 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nino, it must be very amusing to sit in a coffee shop in collins steet sipping on your espresso laughing at us yokels and our doomed business ideas but have you ever thought about what it's like trying to survive in a disintegrating wheatbelt town ?

Options are limited - you make a living however you can and if that involves occasionally looking like a bit of a goose well i'm afraid that just goes with the territory.
Yes, I've heard the 'Here comes choc 'n bits' comments,endured the the condescending 'encouragement' from the 'Young Entrepeneur of the Year' judges. But what you have
to understand is that we can't afford that kind of negativity if we are to keep our community here in the bush. To survive out here you need to be able to say 'Ok, that was a fuck up now lets move on' - and then go and try the same thing again.

Who knows, with the help of some of your dusky previous correspondents the enterprise you have had so much fun lampooning might yet have the last laugh.
You may even be able to accompany your (no doubt freshly ground)
espresso with a little sweetener courtesy of Choc'n bits - wouldn't that be just fabulous !

11:54 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Minasan! Hajimemashite! Hello everyone, nice to meet you! I am fine thank you. Dozo Yoroshiku! I am now speak to Ramish San, Abdul-Wadwood San, Abhay San, Ebrahim San, Jagdish San, Apekshaa San, Aparna San, and Fadwa San. Just save you waste your time. We never buy the Choc N Bits from you because way you wanting to making them is bery bery no good. Harijan no wash hands. Where from toileto paper? Use hand? Idea bery bery kittanai! It dirty! Harijan no choco wa mazui so! In Engrish, that meaning “Harijan choco looks so tasting yuck”. So sorry, we must say “gekko desu, onaka ga ippai”. In Engrish, this mean, “no thank you, stomach is full”. In other word, porite way of saying “you must be joke”. Interpretation bad Engrish depend on rook on face can meaning “no way fucking shit”. You neber eber find market in Nippon. Don’t wasting time, isn’t it? Good ruck! From Shinji Otaru.

5:35 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good one Shinji ! Don’t you guys eat “law fish”, “flied lice” and “whale meat”? While you have quite possible raised a relevant point, so I am not dismissing what you say entirely, I do think one is ill-advised to seek counsel from a Japanese person with regards to what to put in their mouth. Last time I was in Japan, I was given a small plate of grass-hoppers as an appetizing accompaniment to go with my beer. The beer was delicious, but I passed on the insects. How would the choc n bits model go in Japan – meaning, you do the making in Japan, in your own home kitchens? I am sure you guys eat chocolates in ample quantity. Before being so direct with our sub-continental friends again, which is very uncharacteristic of any Japanese person to begin with, you might want to get back to the real issue, that being, where, how and can choc n bits work? I was in Japan during “White Day” once, for example, where hundred of thousands of blue skirted school girls give pristinely wrapped chocolates to their would be boyfriends (very similar to our Valentines Day). Got you mind ticking over yet Shinji? “Good ruck”!


5:56 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok Paul San, what about refligelation? You thought about refligelation? What they planning? Strap mini-refligeration unit to back of choco manufacture beggar? May be good opportunity for Mitsubishi you think so? Make and sell many portable refligelation unit for bare back of wear swaddling cloth almost naked worker? You think so ? ? ?

Japan? No way! Working hard and buy chocolate from big company. That all you remembing of Japan? Beer, glasshopper and school girl in brue? I say no more. From Shinji Otaru.

6:12 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. Shinji, have you ever thought is possible the “choco” might actually come from their swaddling cloths? May be there is big market in Japan after-all, because we think you guys are, how do you say, we think you are, you know, is it “kinky”? I drink to that! АПЛОДИСМЕНТЫ!

Mikhalka Ivanov Matstov, Yekatrinburg

6:42 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

LMFAO Mikhlaka! Someone had to shut the little rat up! Cheers to you!


7:06 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ramish here. We hope you are enjoying your fun and games at we Indians expense. What you are doing is racial vilification and I would expect nothing less from the Japanese, English or the blasted Australians, who are little more than English people but without the benefit of proper educations. You English and Japanese have one frightful thing in common you know, and that is of course that you both, in your profound and arrogant stupidity, tried to conquer the world, and failed miserably I might add. Yes, completely failed, you pompous arses. Who was it that sent you packing, running from our raised lathi with your tails between your legs, evacuating the sub-continent like frightened school girls? To all of you. It is quite ok by me if you don’t buy our Choc N Bits, for the domestic market in India is plentiful, but please do keep enjoying our hand picked teas until your bellies are full and your hearts are content, while you chitter chatter until your teeth are warn out, and require gold fillings, about who is attending to the gardens, and of course about the cleanliness of our hands. Ignorance begets ignorance. The reality is, however, with your economies all on borrowed time, you will in the future be eating chocolates from where ever you can put YOUR filthy, thieving, unwashed hands on them.

7:30 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ozzie Digga, in Russia, we chased out the German svine with our raised МУЖСКОЙ ПОЛОВОЙ ОРГАН!

I drink to that too! АПЛОДИСМЕНТЫ!

Mikhalka Ivanov Matstov, Yekatrinburg

8:47 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Nippon we humiliation enemy with samurai sword coming out of Japanese fundoshi. This mean in Engrish “traditional Japanese roincroth”. But Japanese is bery bery bery crean – “fundoshi no naka ni, unchi ga arimasen” – this mean in Engrish “inside Japenese fundoshi, shit is not exist” not like beggar swaddling cloth, and samurai sword have no insect also. Kampai! From Shinji Otaru.

11:23 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back to basics everyone !

I lived in Warracknabeal , near Dimboola , when the 'Wimmera Mail Times" had a two page opening day feature for the new choc and bits business. bout '86/ 87

I can't write anymore cos choc and bits , I'm crying...

choc and bits brings anger.. then lots of stuff. but its about love

12:01 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Abdul-Wadwood is back. If you must go on for an eternity about Indian loin cloths taking full note that word “swaddling” has been entirely used out of context, as it refers to the wrapping of a baby in a blanket, goodness gracious me at least have the intelligence, fortitude, grace and dignity to use the correct term. They are known at “lungoti”, and in fact, it is by fastidious study of the traditional Indian “lungoti” that the origin of the Western “G String” can be found. I am sorry to my wife Abhay for having to refer to such an item, so for anyone who has a desire to be further enlightened on the subject please gain knowledge of the “lungoti” by applying some self-discipline and further researching the matter. So as not to offend Ozzie Digger, clearly a scholarly genius, I will not claim with assuredness that the G String did in fact evolve solely from India, because in fact, the origins of the “lungoti” can be found in the Punjab, which now, you must all know, falls under the dictates of Pakistan


12:14 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

what ?

the choc and bits model probably would work on the subcontinent.

We at Bearingpoint are constantly looking at ways to invest in that part of the world.

Indian people / women are much more used to working with their hands, and the idea of buying the chocolate in 1 kg bags and making any shaped chocolate, thanks to the plastic moulds obtained from 'choc and bits', would open up at least a million small businesses, by our calculations.

Australian women are too lazy

12:18 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey you person speaking of love. In Russia for underpants we say трусы.

As yet, we do not have the words for Choc N Bits but we must find them.

I know Warracknabeal. Woman friend of friend from Rybinsk which is near Rybinskoye Vdkrh, how you say, lake, big lake north of Moscow near Yarosavl, this woman married farmer from Warracknabeal she met from the internet dating.

In this case we can say for sure her трусы can be called swaddling cloth because she has big arse like you say in America “size of Texas”. So, this woman трусы big enough to service as a blanket for ten men. For sure Warracknabeal farmer was Choc N Bits in his lungoti from the energy expiriration to removal this woman трусы for the wedding night.

But like you say, Choc N Bits or not it is all about love. From Russia with love it is big fat arse needing wrestling men to remove swaddling cloth.

I drink to that! АПЛОДИСМЕНТЫ!

Mikhalka Ivanov Matstov, Yekatrinburg

12:40 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mikahalka. Why don't you and Shinji form an international underwear blog? You can talk about Choc N Bits and briefs all you like then, and the rest of us in here won't have to read your perverted bull any longer.


12:48 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Warracknabeal is a classic Aust. wheatbelt town. I think they had reasonable crops from the harvest in dec. but the prices were shit because the AWB is the greatest ripoff in Australian agricultural history, and the farmers (the biggest losers) dont know it, fucken classic.

So the russian bride will be having cordial, not orange juice for breakfast this year cos of the AWB.

I hope she loves the wimmera.

12:55 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

pauls oright Dig

chill pill

12:59 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Good on ya mate Ozzie Digger, throw another shrimp on the barbie" you ass-hole!!!!!!!!

To Wimmera poster. On the map is shows that Warracknabeal is quite close proximity to Dimboola. Do you know if Choc N Bits made it as far as Warracknabeal?


1:07 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

AWB - Awful Wussian Bwide!


1:14 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Interesting question, did choc and bits make it to the township of warracknabeal, known as warrack by locals.

I have visualised the opening day in Dimboola, population is three fifths of fuck all, but I would guess 1000. Hopefull choc entrepenwhoa woman is beaming and proud as she opens her shop. rent only $100 per week. imagine that.

All her friends arrive, in the one car. for support, and to sneakily look like shoppers.

2 people come in.


Some will agree that generally people don't patronise a business until it has the smell of success about it. But a few innovators and wives of town leaders happily went into the shop and bought a few bags of chocolate buttons, and some moulds.

all their homemade chocolate needs for 12 months.

5 pm. lots of cofee and chat all day. looks good.

Day 2. um...

"fuck I've got some stock"

There was a sale made to warracknabeal, but it was hot and the fucken chocolate melted into the seat of the commodore. caused a fair bit of trouble actually, cos it was a carload of girls over for the bowls. Mavis pilkington got out of the car near the primary school and it looked liked she'd messed herself.

So that was choc and bits in warrack.

Parked cars in the wimmera get hot enough inside to kill ya. If choc and bits had stayed open for any more than it did, it would have had to shut for summer.

These are the trials and tribulations of the wimmera.

not far from where Arapiles is

2:29 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mavis Pilkington? You ruined this discussion board.

12:30 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Exacto! Ruined! I do not want to hearing no more of woman that has messed herself.

I cannot drink to that! АПЛОДИСМЕНТЫ!

Mikhalka Ivanov Matstov, Yekatrinburg

12:33 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.

1:34 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.

4:56 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Really amazing! Useful information. All the best.

7:23 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love your website. It has a lot of great pictures and is very informative.

7:19 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I went to Dimboola a year ago, and got assaulted by a drunk shearer for saying “excuse me” to his girl friend, who had staggered into me, drunk to her eyeballs, on her way back from the bar (the stench of bundi and coke and wini-blues that enveloped her, quite overpowering, in fact). I will never forget being flattened by a king hit, and then getting piston punched by that blue singleted sheep smelling ignorant buffoon, with the juke box playing Saturday Night Fever on number 10 in the background, which added nicely to the charming atmosphere. Delightful little hamlet that Dimboola is – wonderful place for a stop over. No wonder Dimboola is the birth place of Choc N Bits – being in Dimboola was like being in a town from last century. Stuff Dimboola – what a horrible place.

Bradley Hog

5:55 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stopped briefly in Dimboola, while driving from Melbourne to Adelaide, to use the lavatories, and I must say, the public toilet resembled a Choc N Bits enterprise, in terms of color and mess.

It was positively a right, royal revulsion, and I had to empty my bowels while hovering above the bowl, in fear of catching an infectious disease should my skin actually come into contact with the receptacle. It was quite the juggling act, let me tell you.

Anyway, that’s my recollection of Dimboola. The smell of stale baked on shit in the air, and a toilet cubicle that looked like it had been used as a spray painting booth.

I was very glad to get out of that town, let me tell you. Most unpleasant memories.

Brian T Shakespeare

Hobart, Tasmania

6:14 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dimboola is not all bad. There is a bloke there who is very famous, because he managed to cross a cockatoo with a galah. His name is Ted.

I do not know if the offspring were fertile, however, which would defy all scientific odds with regards to our established definition of “species”. I do know, however, that the Melbourne Museum has expressed interest in the birds, when they finally fall of the perch, for their taxidermal collection.

Taxidermy, for those not in the know, refers to the stuffing of dead animals (the art or skill of preparing, stuffing, and presenting dead animal skins so that they appear lifelike).

Perhaps they, the museum, should also put in an application for Mavis Pilkington’s body (previously referred to in here), when she kicks the bucket, and stuff her too – I think it would make a rather interesting exhibit – a stuffed Mavis, sitting in the front seat of an EH holden, sitting in her Choc’N Bits mess ! A unique Australian exhibit I would tend to think, if I don’t say so myself. They could call it call it, “The Rise and Fall of Choc’N Bits”.

Even more interesting, would be if they perched one of those stuffed sulphur crested cockatoo / galahs on Mavis’s shoulder, or on the steering wheel. Hmm, there’s and interesting thought. New exhibit title – “The Rise and Fall of Choc’N Bits, featuring Mavis Pilkington sitting in her mess, plus unique Australian bird, in classic Australian motor vehicle”. Very good.

Thank you.

Jonathon Fort

Boarder Town, South Australia

6:43 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmmm. Most interesting indeed. Dimboola, home of stuffing chocolates into moulds, home of stuffing saw dust into dead animal skins, and home of illiterate shearers stuffing their pizzles into drunk tracky dack wearing country bimbos (after punching out their competition from the city while listening to the Bee Gees). I am in. If I type “Dimboola” into my satellite navi, will it come up?

Lord Sunshine

Footscray, Victoria, Australia

11:59 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I stopped off in a pub in Dimboola, after visiting the Little Desert on a wild flower photographical expedition, for what I though would be a lovely country counter meal.

After I ordered I had ordered a T Bone steak, with a side salad, which the blackboard said they were famous for, the publican and his wife had a rather loud fight about money in the kitchen (we, that is myself, and two very drunk locals sitting at the bar, could all hear plates and pots being thrown about, as they shouted and screamed at each other), and my meal, needless to say never arrived.

Anyway, after about 30 minutes or so, during which time the two locals helped themselves to port mixed with cola (which they claimed was very medicinal), the publican emerged, with his tail between his legs, and very apologetically offered me a “Dimboola Pizza Surprise” from the local general store (a milk bar / fish and chip shop / video outlet / pizza place / hardware store mixed business type thingy, with stuff on the shelves that must having been sitting there for two decades). “As a substitute for the steak – on the house – take it or leave it” he said, while muttering something about his wife being a bitch, and I, being rather hungry, gladly accepted his offer. More fool me.

The pizza finally came, delivered by a rather fat girl with pimples. Her oily, medium length mousy brown, blond tinted hair was tied back with a piece of elastic which reminded me of the old fashioned blue ringer underpants my grandfather used to wear, and her chubby legs and rather bulbous behind were stuffed into tight, pink track suit pants. On the upper half, she wore a pale blue singlet, which had the words, in silver glitter mind you, “Paris, been there, done that, boring” splattered across the front of it, drawing my attention to her rather large, lopsided, ill-shaped and loosely packed breasts.

To top it all off, laid across the bridge of her nose was the finishing touch of small, steel framed, rectangular spectacles that I had not seen since the mid 1970’s – they looked like something she had plucked right out of a nerds movie (no doubt from her store).

Oh well, I gathered she was dressed in typical female attire for Dimboola, but I must say, it was a sight to behold – bang and boom - right there an then, a permanent memory of Dimboola was implanted in my brain (and I wish I could remove, as a matter of fact)

I do wonder now if she was the shearer’s girl friend, mentioned above. By the sounds of it, she could have been. Oh well, I will never know.

Back to the pizza. Not surprisingly, I might add, The “Dimboola Pizza Surprise” was in fact nothing more than an “Hawaiian” Pizza, but with an egg cracked over the top of it – a disc of no brand doe, with shredded no brand ham, no brand pineapple, and no brand eggs sunny side up splattered over the top of it. I could smell the faint hint of Worchester sauce, along with a range of unidentifiable and, I must say, rather offensive odors.

Oh well, I thought, I am in the country – so I took a bite – the pieces of canned pineapple were still frozen, and it tasted like bad blue cheese.

Later that night, I was violently ill with food poisoning.

I have always wondered if it was because the pizza was not cooked properly, or was it because the glamour puss that prepared and delivered it had not washed her hands after going to the toilet. It is terrible, the questions in life that go unanswered. Such anguish. Such torments. Bloody fucking Dimboola !

Unfortunately, to this very day, every time I feel even slightly off color, the vision of that ghastly woman enters my mind, and tortures me. That was my visit to Dimboola. Cursed by it, for eternity. Cursed ! Never again !

Don’t go there, is all I can say.

Jack Magee


1:31 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, Jack, your torments are over. I saw a pink track suited panted rather chubby chick emerging from the ladies toilet block during my brief stop over in Dimboola, and she was carrying a pizza box. Now you know. Peace of mind at last.

Brian T Shakespeare

Hobart, Tasmania

2:05 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hang on, I am confused.

What has chubby legs, pink track suit pants, pizza boxes, dirty toilets and food poisoning got to do with crossing cockatoos with galahs? Moreover, I fail to see how it all ties in with the theme of Choc N Bits, or failed or doomed enterprise. At the very least, Ted’s bird breeding program was a rather novel and interesting idea, with some commercial potential.

The big hard hitting commercial crunch in fact came to Dimboola when they built the by-pass (so the main highway between Melbourne and Adelaide no-longer went through the town at all).

One novel idea, to counteract the impact on the local economy, was to build a Giant Wheat Sheaf (Project GWS), to attract tourists, and encourage motorists to take the Dimboola turn off, and have a look around.

Needless to say, Project GWS never got off the ground, but I think it is still a good idea, and invite interest in the project.

For example, Kala the Giant Koala, with a kiosk where the pouch would normally be, has been a raging success at Dadswells Bridge, not to mention the World’s Largest Coca Cola Deck Chair in Mildura. I believe Queensland also has many similar success stories – giant rock melons, giant pineapples, you name it.

If all you are going to do is associate Dimboola with toilets, bad pizza, marital disputes, and unfortunate women, then that really isn’t very nice, is it?

Spare a thought for the people that actually live their folks.

Have some heart.

Some sensible debate, please.

Jonathon Fort

Boarder Town, South Australia

2:52 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Stuff “Project GWS”.

Build a giant cement statue of a fat chick carrying a pizza box instead.


2:55 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes. Good idea. Giant statue of fat woman carrying pizza box. Good idea. Similar thing in Russia, but she carries big sack of potatoes over shoulders.

I drink to that! АПЛОДИСМЕНТЫ!

Mikhalka Ivanov Matstov, Yekatrinburg

3:17 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Japan near Tokyo Fish Market you can see bery bery big statue Japanese fisherman wearing Japanese fundoshi carrying bery, bery big tuna.

I am thinking same statue looks good in Dimboola.

Many people like to taking photographs of it.

I no thick so on big fat woman with pizza box. No photos. Tourist thinks oh so boring, and bery inconvenience.

From Shinji Otaru

3:26 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have a better idea. What Dimboola really needs, to bring in the tourist dollars, is a giant statue of a filthy toilet. Please think it through before you mock the idea. There are very few people in the world who not turn off and take a little time to see a 10 storey high statue of a filthy toilet, maybe buy a can of drink or a souvenir or two, simply because it is, well, you know, kind of “out there”. Not such a stupid idea after-all, is it?


3:49 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...




4:10 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Boys will be boys. Your posts are so remarkably mature. Such fascinating stuff you talk about. I mean really, sex with ugly women, toilet humor, hanging shit on just about every thing you stumble across in your pathetic testosterone strangled and entirely limited lives.

Let’s face it, it makes for fascinating reading. When are you going to start posting about farts? Did any of you encounter anyone farting, or did you fart yourselves, in your adventures in Dimboola? Come on, lets have fun with farts, piss and shit !!!!!!

Seriously, you “men”, and I say that with my tongue in my cheek, need to grow up.

Dimboola has a hell of a lot to offer, but you have to have brains and intelligence to see and understand it.

Up here in the country, we don’t have everything on public display, waiting for you to snap it up at your convenience, and consume it, like it is a packet of Smith’s crisps.

We live here, because we don’t like your city commercialism, and your transparent, fake brand of smart-arse intellectualism. We look down at YOU in fact, and laugh at the fact that anything that is outside your brand-name wrapped, self-limiting worlds, so quickly offends you.

I am glad they by-passed Dimboola. It means we see less city fools looking for a country adventure, with no idea about what makes rural communities tick. Oh, and we deliberately keep the public toilet in a state of disrepair, so if you do take the turn-off once, chances are you won’t again. You are not welcome here.

But what would I know? I am just another bush pig being rooted by a drunk shearer !!!

Pfft !

Lady Fransico


4:53 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Folks.

Please don’t listen to the rubbish posted in here. My hometown Dimboola has a lot to offer, and is a quiet wheatbelt town of around 1700 people situated on a fine stretch of the Wimmera River by the edge of Little Desert. It is situated on the Western Highway 334 km north-west of Melbourne, 35 km north of Horsham and 111 metres above sea-level. The surrounding area is given over to the cultivation of wheat, oats, barley and wool.

The district was occupied by the Wotjobaluk people prior to white settlement. What is known of their culture is outlined in Anne Longmire's Nine Creeks to Albacutya: A History of the Shire of Dimboola (1985). It was estimated that there were some 1200 Aborigines in the area in 1852 while an 1877 census recorded 103 survivors, many of them at Ebenezer mission.

Europeans initially knew this area as 'Nine Creeks', owing to the many branches of the Wimmera River. The first station was established in 1846 by Horatio Ellerman and George Shaw. Ellerman named it 'Antwerp' after his birthplace in Belgium.

A crude bush village called 'Nine Creeks' developed from around 1859 to serve the needs of the local squatters. The name apparently reflected the fact that, after a flood, the river receded leaving nine creeks. The site was favourable, being adjacent a good water supply and at the confluence of tracks from the South Australian border, Lake Hindmarsh, Warracknabeal and Horsham. It soon had a rough school hut, church, grog shanty and store. A survey was conducted in 1862 and the town was gazetted and proclaimed in 1863. It was named 'Dimboola' after a Singhalese word meaning 'land of figs', reflecting the surveyor's travels to Sri Lanka (then Ceylon). By 1868 there was a constable in residence and a butcher's shop.

In 1871 the population was recorded as 78. However, selectors began to take up land as of 1873. The majority were Germans moving from South Australia, though there were also Irish and Scots. The selectors provided stimulus to the settlement, initiating the shift from grazing to wheat-cultivation, although their presence caused resentment among squatters whose land tenure was tenuous. They were finished off by drought and the rabbit plague which began in 1880.
A state school opened in 1875, a brick shire hall was completed in 1877, a flour mill was established and a local newspaper went into print into 1879. New residents and entrepreneurs continued to arrive, including a growing Chinese community that largely worked market gardens, although they were regarded with some suspicion and ill-feeling.

In 1882 Dimboola became the railhead for the area and remained so until the Serviceton line opened in 1887. This meant increased economic and social activity within the town which proved a general stimulus to local enterprise. A eucalyptus oil distillery was established in 1882 and salt was refined from the lake near Lochiel. Local productivity was also enhanced by the availability, from the early 1880s, of agricultural machinery especially tailored to dealing with the recalcitrant Mallee scrub - the stump-jump plough and the mallee. Dimboola Shire was created in 1885.

Famous painter Sidney Nolan was stationed at Dimboola while on army duty in World War II. He took the opportunity to paint the local landscape and donated the resultant paintings to the National Gallery of Victoria in 1987. Jack Hibberd used the town as the setting for his play Dimboola (1974) which has since been made into a film.
The town's Agricultural Show is held in October and the annual rowing regatta in November.
Please feel free to visit us at any time.

Sally Anne Murray-Peters, Lady of the Bush

2:19 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well SAID Lady of the Bush, I am glad there is a fellow Dimboola appreciator out there.

I just LOVED the movie by the way.

It was an all time classic, a really great film, a little ripper, Bruce Spence was at his hilarious best and really drives the film, and he had a great supporting cast, but the stand out of the film was of course the legendary Chad Morgan, the Sheik of Scrubby Creek, an Australian country music legend ! His co-starring role was hilarious - worth seeing Dimboola just for Chad's performance !

It's just a shame this is the only film he made except for a short appearance in Newsfront.

The whole cast did a great job with heaps of well known faces including that bloke who plays Beau in the Beaurepaires ads.

A great little film about an outback wedding and the comedy that comes into play at the bucks party, but very hard to find on video (I saw it on Foxtel's movie channel).

Here’s to Dimboola. I wish there were more towns like you. I REALLY DO !




2:35 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Eh? What you mean Penrith Panther? You must be BAKA ! I go for Richmond Tiger. Hear a mighty Tiger Loar !!!!!!!!!!! LOOOOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAR !!!!!!!!

Oh, we're from Tiger Rand, a fighting fury, We're from Tiger Rand,
In any weather you will see us with a glin, Risking head and shin,
If we're behind then never mind, We'll fight and fight and win.
For we're from Tiger Rand, We'll never weaken...
'til the final siren's gone.

Like the Tigers of old, We're strong and we're bold.

Oh we're from Tiger (yellow and brack)
Oh we're from Tiger (yellow and brack)
Oh we're from Tiger (yellow and brack)

Oh we're from Tiger Rand.

From Shinji Otaru

2:50 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey you, Shinji Otaru, speaking of Choc’ N ’Bits, Richmond Football Club certainly had a Choc’ N ’Bits season in 2007. Dlink, Dlive, Bruddy IRIOTS !!


Jack Baggott MELBOURNE

3:03 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

About Dimboola, you may or may not know about its rich German history. The beer flows freely and complements smoked eels, German sausage and black forest cake each April during Dimboola’s German Feast. A fundraiser for the Dimboola Hospital, this annual festival is a major attraction. German bands and slap dancers provide colorful entertainment.

Dimboola is a small country town with a big heart. Make the move to Dimboola and experience country living at its best.

Oh, and if you see a Japanese tourist, who I believe may well be entity Shinji Otaru (who frequently posts on this blog) lurking behind a river red gum tree, please report him to the Dimboola police, 108 MAIN STREET, DIMBOOLA. He is the prime suspect of the burning of our historic Dimboola Hotel in 2003.

A Japanese tourist was seen running away from the vicinity shortly after the fire broke out.

Last July, Hindmarsh Shire wrote to the building's owner, asking him to show cause why the building should not be knocked down. This will be a great loss of an important historic monument to the rich heritage of our small town.

Rudholf Luftwasser

4:09 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Shinji, you're in the clear. It's well known around Dimboola that the act of arson was performed by local poet and performance artist Ray Schaefer. Ray, who had been on a 3 day port-and-lemonade bender, was removed from the premises after a violent altercation with a local who had given Ray an honest appraisal of his latest work.
Ray has been helping the police in their investigations into the blaze. They are known to be particularly interested in the dicovery of a cache of WW2-surplus incendiary devices found buried in a mallee fowl nest at the rear of Ray's humpy on the edge of the little desert.

5:24 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This website is totally depressing. I don’t even know why they built Dimboola. You don’t need a Dimboola. Inefficiency. Inefficiency. Get rid of Dimboola. Burn it to the ground. People are fucking idiots, unbearable idiots, filling their houses up with rubbish they simply don’t need, and lining up to buy products from the supermarket like horses lined up alongside each other eating chaff from a long trough. Oh for fuck’s sake. Stupid, irrelevant and unnecessary Dimboola. I can’t stand the stupidity of it all anymore. If only they knew, the brain is like a muscle – the harder you work it, the stronger it becomes – if only people knew that, there would have never been a Dimboola. Moving on, I have discovered, by regularly working out my brain muscle, the answer, as a matter of fact, as to why people traveling in opposite directions drive on opposite sides of the road from each other– yes, wait for it - it is in fact based on survival instinct, which dictates the minimization of the incidence of car accidents (an ingenious method of reducing front on collisions – totally clever and smart, totally). Yes, I am a firm believer in the brain muscle theory, a firm believer, a firm believer you know. Give me another joint, and then I will go back to work on my latest invention in the name of efficiency – the fully automated toilet/scale/medicator/feeder for humans – the human is strapped permanently to the toilet (24/7), and the toilet registers when that human defecates and/or urinates, all while automatically and intravenously keeping them medicated and sedated with anti-depressant mood levelers, in front of a TV. After computing the humans exact weight loss (by measuring the humans weight after excretion), the apparatus then automatically feeds the human through a tube in the human’s throat exactly what that human’s body requires. I bet know one in Dimboola ever though of anything is intelligent as that, did they? Hmm. Dimboola.

Richmond, Victoria

6:54 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dimboola has a good rub and tug and extra if you want, No 30 Main Street - "She wa good fut" !

Dimboola - been there, done that, whoom wham, thank ya mam!

In the clacker!

Piss and Shit. Fun with Wee !


9:42 pm  
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8:27 pm  
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12:14 am  
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2:13 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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3:05 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

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